
Lamenting Adam Lambert's Loss: Sexual Orientation to Blame?

Adam LambertFans and celebrities are still coming to grips with the fact that Adam Lambert is not the American Idol.

While Kris Allen is clearly an impressive talent, it's hard for critics not to wonder about the basis for his victory; namely, did it have anything to do with Lambert's presumed homosexuality?

Here's a sampling of ways various critics have tackled that issue/asked that question:

* The Chicago Tribune: "It's difficult not to wonder if Lambert's sexuality played a role in Allen's victory... If Lambert's popularity on Idol was any indication of how tolerant and accepting America has become, his loss may indicate there's still further to go."

* Professional poker player Annie Duke: "I seriously think Adam lost just because he is gay. Bummed. Bummed. Bummed."

* Examiner.com: "Adam was too gay for America."


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